Introduction to the Significant Investor Visa

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    The Australian Government introduced the Significant Investor Visa (SIV) in November 2012 to attract overseas investment and provide a streamlined pathway to permanent residency in Australia.

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    The SIV provides the opportunity for permanent residency (the permanent 888 visa) after 4 years of investment activity while holding a provisional 188 visa.

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    188C is a subclass of the Significant Investor Visa.

  • Unconditional travel, work and study rights
  • Extends to immediate family and dependent relatives
  • Up to 8 years (initial term of 4 years with two 2 year extensions)
  • Permanent residency after 4 years
  • To qualify for 188C investors must make a minimum $ 5 million investment for 4 years in a combination of SIV complying investments. Northern Star Funds Management can guide you through this process and introduce you to SIV complying funds. The Northern Star SIV Balanced Fund meets the requirement to invest at least $ 3 million in a complying SIV Balanced Fund.
  • For eligible investors there is:
    1. no English test
    2. no age limit
    3. no business skills test

Investors must hold investments in each of the following :

  • at least A$500,000 in eligible Australian venture capital or growth private equity fund(s) investing in start-up and small private companies
  • at least A$1.5 million in an eligible managed fund(s) or Listed Investment Companies (LICs) that invest in emerging companies listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and
  • a 'balancing investment' of up to A$3 million in fund(s) or LICs that invest in a combination of eligible assets that include other ASX listed companies, eligible Australian corporate bonds or notes, annuities and real property in Australia (subject to the 10% limit on residential real estate).

As well as offering units in the Northern Star SIV Balanced Fund, Northern Star Funds Management is also able to introduce investors to funds meeting the venture capital and emerging fund requirements.